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Westbrook Primary School

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Programmes of Study

PE – Games – Progression of skills & Knowledge



I can throw an object towards a target.
I can track a ball in a controlled and balanced movement.
I can co-ordinate my body to send and receive a ball.
I am beginning to dribble a ball with my hands and feet.
I can recognise changes in my body when I do exercise

I can throw and push a ball in a variety of ways.
I can sometimes catch a beanbag and a medium-sized ball.
I can track balls and other equipment sent to me.
I can throw and hit a ball in a variety of ways.
I can recognise changes in my body when I do exercise.
I know how to score points


I can roll a ball to hit a target.

I can coordinate my body to track a ball and stop it

I can sometimes dribble a ball with my hands and feet

I can send and receive a ball using both kicking and throwing skills.

I can show awareness of opponents when playing games.
I can apply these skills in a variety of simple games.
I can work with a partner to improve my skill.
I know how to score points and can remember the score

I can roll a ball to hit a target.
I am developing underarm and overarm throwing skills.
I can sometimes hit a ball using a racket.
I know how to score points and can remember the score.
I can track a ball and stop it.
I can use some simple tactics.
I can describe how my body feels during exercise.


I can dribble, pass, receive and shoot the ball with some control.
I am learning the rules of the game and I am beginning to use them.
I can move with a ball towards goal with increasing control.
I understand my role as an attacker and as a defender.
I can move into space to help my team.
I can defend an opponent.
I understand why it is important to warm up. 

I can return a ball to a partner.
I can use basic racket skills.
I understand the aim of the game.
I am learning the rules of the game and I am beginning to use them.
I understand why it is important to warm up.
I can identify when I was successful.


I can dribble, pass, receive and shoot the ball with increasing control.
I understand the rules of the game and I can use them often. 
I can help my team keep possession and score goals when I play in attack.
I can delay and help prevent the other team from scoring when I play in defence.
I can use simple tactics to help my team score or gain possession. 
I can explain what happens in my body when I warm up.
I can identify when I was successful and what I need to do to improve.

I can sometimes play a continuous game.
I can use a range of basic racket skills.
I can return to the ready position to defend my own court.
I can explain what happens in my body when I warm up.
I can identify when I was successful and what I need to do to improve

I can use simple tactics.
I can return to the ready position to defend myself.
I understand the rules of the game and I can use them often.
I can throw with some accuracy at a target.
I can catch with increasing control.

I can use overarm and underarm throwing, and catching skills with increasing accuracy.
I can strike a bowled ball with adapted equipment (e.g. a tennis racket).
I am able to bowl a ball with some accuracy, and consistency.
I can choose and use simple tactics for different situations.
I can defend one on one and know when to win the ball.


I am developing a range of skills and I am beginning to use these under some pressure.
I understand the need for tactics.
I understand the rules of the game and I can use them to play fairly.
I understand there are different skills for different situations and I am beginning to use this.
I recognise my own and others strengths and areas for development and can suggest ways to improve.
I can lead a partner through short warm-up routines.

I can pass and receive the ball with some control under pressure.
I understand the rules of the game and I can use them most of the time.
I understand there are different skills for different situations and I am beginning to use this.
I can move into space to help my team.
I know what position I am playing in and how to contribute when attacking and defending.
I can lead a partner through short warm-up routines.


I can use a wider range of skills in game situations.
I can play cooperatively with a partner.
I can select the appropriate action for the situation.
I can create and sometimes use a variety of tactics.

I can dribble, pass, receive and shoot the ball with increasing control under pressure.
I can create and use a variety of tactics to help my team.
I can create and use space to help my team.
I can select and apply different movement skills to lose a defender.
I can lead a small group through a short warm-up routine.
I can use marking, tackling and/or interception to improve my defence

I can strike a bowled ball with increasing consistency.
I understand and can use some tactics in the game as a batter, bowler and fielder.
I can use the rules of the game consistently.
I can lead a small group through a short warm-up routine.
I can identify my own and others’ strengths and areas for development and can suggest ways to improve


PE – Gymnastics – Progression of skills & Knowledge



I can remember and repeat actions and shapes.
I can make my body tense, relaxed, stretched and curled.
I can show an awareness of space when travelling.
I can link simple actions together.
I can use apparatus safely.
I can recognise changes in my body when I do exercise


I can plan and repeat simple sequences of actions.
I can use shapes when performing other skills.
I can use directions and levels to make my work look interesting.
I can perform the basic gymnastic actions with some control and balance.
I can describe how my body feels during exercise.


I use a greater number of my own ideas for movements in response to a task.
I can choose and plan sequences of contrasting actions.
I complete actions with increasing balance and control.
I can move in unison with a partner.
I can choose actions that flow well into one another.
I can adapt sequences to suit different types of apparatus.
With help, I can recognise how performances could be improved.
I understand why it is important to warm up.


I can safely perform balances individually and with a partner.
I can plan and perform sequences with a partner that include a change of level and shape.
I understand how body tension can improve the control and quality of my movements.
I can explain what happens in my body when I warm up.
I can watch, describe and suggest possible improvements to others’ performances and my own.
I can identify some muscle groups used in gymnastic activities.


I can create and perform sequences using apparatus, individually and with a partner.
I can use set criteria to make simple judgments about performances and suggest ways they could be improved.
I can use canon and synchronisation, and matching and mirroring when performing with a partner and a group and say how it affects the performance.
I can use strength and flexibility to improve the quality of a performance.
I can lead a partner through short warm-up routines


I understand what counter balance and counter tension is and can show examples with a partner.
I can combine and perform gymnastic actions, shapes and balances with control and fluency.
I can create and perform sequences taking using compositional devices to improve the quality.
I can lead a small group through a short warm-up routine.
I can suggest changes and use feedback to improve a sequence


PE – Dance – Progression of skills & Knowledge



I can perform basic body actions sometimes using counts.
I can use different parts of the body in isolation and together.
I can explore pathways.
I can show some sense of dynamic and expressive qualities in my dance.
I can choose appropriate movements for different dance ideas.
I can perform dance phrases using simple movement patterns.
I can move confidently and safely.


I can perform body actions with control and coordination.
I can sometimes use counts to stay in time with music.
I can choose movements with different dynamic qualities to express an idea, mood or feeling.
I can remember and repeat dance phrases.
I can work with a partner using mirroring and unison.
I can describe how my body feels during exercise.


I can create dance phrases that communicate ideas.
I can create dance phrases with a partner and in a small group using canon and unison.
I can repeat, remember and perform these phrases in a dance.
I can use dynamic and expressive qualities in relation to an idea.
I can use counts to keep in time with a group and the music.
I can recognise and talk about the movements used and the


I can respond imaginatively to a range of stimuli related to character and narrative.
I can use simple motifs and movement patterns to structure dance phrases on my own, with a partner and in a group.
I can use formation, canon and unison to develop a dance.
I can refine, repeat and remember dance phrases and dances.
I can perform dances clearly and fluently.
I can describe, interpret and evaluate dance, using appropriate language.
I can explain what happens in my body when I warm up


I can adapt and refine the way I use actions, dynamics and relationships in my dance.
I can perform different styles of dance clearly and fluently.
I can recognise and comment on dances, showing an understanding of style.
I can suggest ways to improve my own and other people’s work.
I can lead a partner through short warm-up routines


I can work creatively and imaginatively on my own, with a partner and in a group to choreograph motifs and structure simple dances.
I can adapt and refine the way I use actions, dynamics and relationships to improve my dance.
I can choreograph a dance using props.
I can perform dances fluently and with control.
I can use appropriate language to evaluate and refine my own and others’ work.
I can lead a small group through a short warm-up routine


Key Words - Yr1

Key Words Yr2

Key Words Yr3

Key Words Yr4

Key Words Yr5

Key Words Yr6
