Topic Overview
Aims: (Intent)
We are aiming for Westbrook Primary School to be a place where:
- Children are creative learners who are inspired to think and investigate
- Children develop, and apply, skills and knowledge which equips them for life-long learning
- Children learn and apply skills/knowledge through first hand experiences
- Children are proud of their learning and aim to achieve their best
- Children believe in the value of teamwork, helping and caring for one another
- There are close links with the local community whereby parents are partners in the learning journey
- Staff, Governors and the whole community are ambitious and seek to provide only the very best education for our children
Intent for Music
At Westbrook, the aims of our Music curriculum are that:
- Children enjoy and have an appreciation for music
- Children connect with one another through their musical experiences
- Children listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, cultures, styles and traditions
- Children sing and use their voices to create different effects as part of a whole school community
- Children enjoy music collaboratively and as part of whole school celebrations
- Children create and compose music, both on their own and with others
- Children confidently use a range of musical language
- Children make judgements and express personal preferences about the quality and style of music
- Children experience performing with an awareness of audience
Music teaching at Westbrook delivers the requirements of the Model Music Curriculum (2021) through use of the Charanga scheme of work. Teachers follow the suggested scheme of work,
although adaptations can be made using the ‘freestyle’ element of the package to enhance cross-curricular links where appropriate
Music lessons are broken down into half-termly units and an emphasis is placed on musical
vocabulary, allowing children to talk about pieces of music using the correct terminology.
Each unit of work has an on-going musical learning focus and lessons usually follow a specific
learning sequence:
Listen and Appraise
Musical Activities (including pulse and rhythm)
Singing and Voice
Playing instruments
Improvisation / Composition
Perform and Share
Our progression model also follows the same learning sequence to ensure all interrelated elements of music are covered and implemented. Within the EYFS setting, music is an integral part of children’s learning journey. Rhyme and rhythm are utilised throughout the learning of phonics, handwriting and mathematics. Children learn a wide range of songs and rhymes and develop skills for performing collaboratively. Singing and music making opportunities are used frequently to embed learning, develop musical awareness and to demonstrate how music can be used to express feelings. These lessons allow children the opportunity to learn to play an instrument as part of an ensemble and to engender a love of music learning. Throughout the sessions the interrelated elements of music are developed. Performance is an integral part of musical teaching and learning at Westbrook and pupils participate in a range of performances during their school ‘career’. These include the KS1 Christmas Production, KS2 Production and a Y6 Leavers’ performance (Year 6). Pupils also sing as part of whole school and class assemblies. Pupils who are confident are encouraged to perform in solo performances. Parents are invited and welcomed to watch all of these performances whether at school or outside of school.
Alongside our curriculum provision for music, all pupils also have the opportunity to participate in additional 1:1 or small group music teaching by being offered by Sing Education including violin, keyboard or guitar. This company also offers singing lessons. At Westbrook we build upon the strength of staff that have musical abilities through enrichment activities such as the Westbrook Choir. Pupils in the choir have the opportunity to perform to the public in the local community at celebratory occasions including carol concerts and school performances and to participate in an annual out of borough music festival. Pupils in the school choir focus on singing in unison, developing harmony, solo performances and having fun!