


School Logo

Westbrook Primary School

Aim high, learn together, feel proud!

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Register of Interests

NameRoleDate appointedRelevant business and pecuniary interests, including start dateTrusteeships and Governorships at other educational institutions/charities, including start datePersonal relationships with trust employees or other members/trustees/local GovernorsDate of interest declared
Dr Melvyn TattersCEO01/09/2009Nothing to declare

Chair of Governors at Oaklands School


Partner is employed at the school28/11/2022
Paul BepeyChair of Governors28/06/2021Nothing to declareNothing to declareNothing to declare22/11/2022
Angela KhungarMember19/04/2021Nothing to declareNothing to declareNothing to declare13/01/2023
Helen KeaneStaff Governor01/09/2022Nothing to declareNothing to declareNothing to declare11/01/2023
Carly BentonStaff Governor11/05/2021Nothing to declareNothing to declareNothing to declare11/01/2023
Priti SinghTrustee29/05/2021Nothing to declareNothing to declareNothing to declare20/01/2023
Julie Lamirel Trustee16/05/2022Nothing to declareNothing to declareNothing to declare15/01/2023
Earl CollinsMember26/06/23HoS Oaklands SchoolNothing to declareCEO, M. Tatters is CoG at Oaklands13/10/2023
Hardeep DhillonMember28/06/2021Nothing to declareNothing to declareNothing to declare11/01/2023

Gurmeet Virdee

Business Manager05/09/2022Nothing to declareNothing to declareNothing to declare


Maryam Asghar


Associate Governor26/06/2023HoS Oaklands SchoolNothing to declareCEO, M. Tatters is CoG at Oaklands06/07/2023



