Centre for Vision Impairments.
Westbrook VI Handbook
Welcome to the VI Centre -A Resource Base for children with vision impairments.
Welcome to the page for the resource base for pupils who have a vision impairment here at Westbrook Primary School. We host the only base in the West London area and offer places to pupils with vision impairments from Hounslow and other adjoining Local Authorities. We are a mainstream primary school who provide a full, broad and balanced mainstream curriculum from early years to year 6.
We currently have 10 children in the base ranging from nursery to Year 6. Each child has an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) identifying their visual and where appropriate, additional learning needs. All children participate in National Curriculum lessons alongside their sighted peers using modified work and generic and specialist ICT equipment to access resources including laptop computers, Braille Note Touch machines and I Pads.
As necessary, in class support from our team of Specialist Learning Support Assistants is also provided, although it is our long term aim to make children independent both inside and beyond the classroom environment. Our Learning support assistants also modify resources provided by the class teachers, provide pre and post lesson tutoring and act as mentors in nurturing emotional welfare.
The Base is also supported by a Qualified Teacher of the Visually Impaired, (QTVI) who is based full time at Westbrook. Their role is to provide specialist teaching opportunities including the delivery of Tactile, (Braille, tactile diagrams) and Auditory (ICT) skills, allowing alternative access to the learning environment. The Qualified Teacher is also responsible for training staff and sighted pupils in the general awareness of the needs of young people with a sight loss as well as addressing issues relating to specific subjects and other day to day matters.
In addition to providing an academic rich learning environment, children also participate in lessons that offer independent living skills. Many of these activities are embedded in the pastoral life of Westbrook School, although additional opportunities are offered where work is undertaken with the cohort of pupils with a vision loss. This will include preparing for their transition to secondary school, developing independence skills, identifying opportunities to become involved in community life and living a healthy lifestyle. We are fortunate to be able to access services provided by, Habilitation Officers, Speech and language therapists, occupational therapists and other external agencies where specialist additional knowledge may be advantageous. We also work with families so that they can further support their child at home. The QTVI and VI team offer outreach support to primary schools across the borough.
The children supported by the VI Base are also fully encouraged to take part in extra Curricular activities alongside their sighted peers. This may include lunchtime, after school and residential trips where new skills and social friendships can be acquired and nurtured beyond the school environment.
If you would like more information regarding Westbrook Primary School and in particular how the Resource Base for children who have a vision loss may be able to support the education of your child, please feel free to contact us at r.broad@westbrookprimary.co.uk. Visits can be organised both during and after the school day at a time to suit you.