Parent Workshops and Drop-In Sessions
Parent/Carer Workshops and Drop-In Sessions: Parent workshops are run throughout the academic year both at Westbrook Primary School and Heston Community School.
Drop In Sessions
Drop- in sessions are run every Friday morning term time from 9am to 10.30am. Our drop-in is held over at Heston Community School in their canteen ( entrance in the playground, on the left to The Old Firestation Building)
All Parents/Carers from Westbrook Primary, Heston Primary and Heston Community school are welcome to attend.
Come along, have a cup of tea/coffee and meet other parents and carers in a happy, comfortable setting. Our sessions are very informal and staff (Kim Jones PSA, Portia Budd PSA and Sam Saib Learning Mentor) from all three schools are on hand to offer support, information and advice.
You are welcome to drop in for a chat or attend any of the sessions planned:
Diary of events
Monday 2nd October at 2pm at Westbrook Primary School (Reception, Yr1 and Yr2) - Healthy Eating and Oral Health Workshop.
Friday 13th October at 9am-10.30am at heston Community School - Drop-In/Coffee Morning
Topic: Welcome and Intoductions
Friday 20th October ar 9am-10.30am at Heston Community School - Drop-In Coffee Morning.
Topic: Growth Mindset and How to best support your child with their learning. Mr Broad (Acting Head of VI Centre) will be there to assist with any questions around your child's learning.
Friday 3rd November at 9am-10.30am at Heston Community School - Drop-In/Coffee Morning.
Topic: Behavoural Strategies and Discussion around Mental Health
Friday 10th November at 9am-10.30am at Heston Community School- Drop-In/Coffee Morning
Topic: Anti-Bullying