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Westbrook Primary School

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Thinking Skills Blog

Year 1 - During guided reading, whilst the children have been pre reading, they have been using circle maps to jot down anything they have learnt from the book.

Year 2- Kingfisher- Antonia- 'At the beginning of each week, we are given a new Guided Reading book. I have used a circle map to record down all my predicting ideas about what I think the book will be like. I then read the book and use the circle map to add more information I have learnt.'

Year 3 Sparrow Class- Anaya Athi “ To plan my own story I used a bubble map to create my characters and decide how they would be linked together.”

Year 4 - Magpie- Haniya Asad- Magpie class were studying the life of Anne Frank. Haniya focused on her childhood, summarizing the key events. She has also added in more bubbles !!

Year 5 Eagle Class- Jaiden Shah- "I created a Brace Map to describe the negative effects of smoking"

Year 6- Kestrel Class- Eliza Gill- I have used a bubble map to summarise what I have learnt about our bodies, and World War 1 and 2

Year 6 Harrier Class- Meena in Harrier class has been learning about Light and Sight

Our Thinking Skills Day! The children designed their own Thinking Skills hat over the Christmas holidays and decorated the hat according to its meaning. Please see some images below!
