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Westbrook Primary School

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Thinking Skills

At Westbrook Primary, to help children with learning, we use a range of tools to support and scaffold their learning. These assist children to learn to think independently.

Thinking Hats

These are thinking tools which provide a framework to help us to think clearly in one direction: 



White Hat – Facts

What are the facts? What information do I have?

What information do I need? What do I want to know?


Black Hat – Problems

Can it be done? What could go wrong?

Is this the best solution? Will this work?


Green – Creativity

Can this be done in a different way? What’s my suggestion?

Can I create something new? What new ideas are possible?


Yellow – Benefits

What are the good points? Why can this be done?

How can I make this work? Why is this good thing?


Red Hat – Feelings

How do I feel about this? What do/don’t I like about it?

Do I feel it will work?


Blue Hat – Process

What thinking is needed? Where are we now?

What’s the next step? Where do we go from here?

Thinking Maps

These are thinking tools that are used to record and organise ideas and information.

Thinker’s Keys

These are a range of activities designed to engage, motivate and deepen thinking. The use of the keys helps to develop flexible problem solving and thinking habits. These are used for our SODAs (start of day activities).



Higher Order Questioning

We use Bloom’s Taxonomy (revised) to move children towards high levels of thinking, processing and questioning.




