


School Logo

Westbrook Primary School

Aim high, learn together, feel proud!

Get in touch

Wraparound Care

Westbrook Wonder World

During the extended school day, children will have the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of stimulating and fun activities carried out in a safe environment.


All children & young people should engage in moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity for at least 60 minutes and up to several hours every day.



Wrap Around Care exists to provide high quality out-of-hour’s childcare for our parents/carers of children from our Reception classes through to Year 6. Wrap Around Care is a place where children can come to relax and look forward to playing with their friends in a safe and happy environment. We offer adult led, spontaneous and child-initiated activities where staff are always on hand to offer advice and support to the children. We offer a range of activities making sure we appeal to all ages and abilities to develop children’s emotional, physical, social, and intellectual capabilities and encourage children to be confident, curious, respectful, empathetic, innovative, and resilient.


  • To provide an affordable, childcare facility for working parents/carers.                                 

  • To provide a welcoming, safe, and secure environment for pupils to have Wrap Around Care outside of normal school hours. 

  • To respect and value every child in our care. 

  • To promote the welfare and safety of all children in our care.

Times & Costs






7:45 – 8:50am


After School

Up to 4:30pm


After School

Up to 6:00pm




Healthy snacks provided at all sessions
Help with childcare costs
Childcare vouchers are accepted.
Sometimes we can help towards costs if a child is pupil premium/free school meals.  Please speak to the school about this before booking. 

Booking & Application

To book your child onto the sessions & pay, please visit ‘School Gateway’


Enquiries:  Mrs Brewster  07716089111 during wrap around hours

school office between 9am and 3:30pm:  02085709942.

