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Westbrook Primary School

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Topic Overview

History Intent 

At Westbrook Primary we aim to: 

  • Provide the children with a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Provide the children with the opportunity to develop and extend skills and an opportunity to discover new and exciting things
  • Ensure our teaching will help pupils aquire a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world
  • Inspire pupil’s curiosity about the past and to know more about the past
  • To ensure that lessons and topics are well sequenced to show progression is seen in the skills, knowledge and vocabulary taught 
  • Have lessons focus on working as historians and developing skills
  • Provide children with opportunities for the curriculum to be enriched through historical visits

Geography Specific Intent:

Our Geography curriculum provision is ambitious and designed for all pupils. It is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively providing the necessary knowledge and skills for the pupils’ future to empower them to take their role as informed and active citizens in the 21st century. Its emphasis is not just on geographical knowledge but also skills and concepts. It has the same challenging academic ambitions for all pupils. They all work from a shared starting point to answer the same key questions. It is designed to explicitly link with wider learning such as history and our key texts for literature in order to develop their key vocabulary.


History and Geography Topics
