At Westbrook Primary School, children follow the Westbrook Wonder World curriculum (WWW). This is an exciting, cross-curricular, skills and knowledge based curriculum with a clear process of learning, with specific learning goals. It ensures that learning is enjoyable, active and meaningful for the children. Many of our families come from around the world with very diverse backgrounds and the WWW curriculum is a fantastic way for all our children to understand our 'Global' world.
There are purposeful links and connections throughout the learning and each WWW topic links a range of subjects including Science, History, Geography, ICT, Art, DT, Music and PE. It also provides many opportunities for links to English and Maths.
Aims: (Intent)
We are aiming for Westbrook Primary School to be a place where:
- Children are creative learners who are inspired to think and investigate
- Children develop, and apply, skills and knowledge which equips them for life-long learning
- Children learn and apply skills/knowledge through first hand experiences
- Children are proud of their learning and aim to achieve their best
- Children believe in the value of teamwork, helping and caring for one another
- There are close links with the local community whereby parents are partners in the learning journey
- Staff, Governors and the whole community are ambitious and seek to provide only the very best education for our children
Further details or information about our school curriculum can be found by visiting the school office and speaking to Mrs Iqbal or Dr. Tatters. Thank you.