Welcome from the headteacher
Dr. M. Tatters - Headteacher
Welcome to Westbrook Primary Academy School!
Westbrook Primary is a welcoming, inclusive academy school. We serve a diverse and vibrant learning community with children from a wide range of cultural backgrounds. We aim to provide an environment where everyone feels valued and safe. We offer an interesting and creative curriculum which encourages all children to develop lively and enquiring minds. We aim to enthuse all children with the desire to learn. The link between home and school is integral to a child's success and we encourage parents to take an active part in their child's learning.
This website and video aims to give you a taster of our school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents, pupils and visitors. We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website. Please feel free to contact the school directly with any queries you may have.
Thank you for visiting.
Dr. M. Tatters
Aim High, Learn Together, Feel Proud!