Westbrook Primary School Covid-19 - Safety Plan (Parents info)
Arrival and Departure
- Main school gates only for entry using a one way system (in one gate and out the other)
- Students only enter school building. Parents cannot enter.
- Only one parent/carer to drop and collect.
- Communication with the school must be via email or phone.
- Head and Deputy at the gate before and after school with hand sanitiser/temp check.
- Gate opens at 8.30 am for allocated yr groups. No entry onto school grounds until 8.30 am. Other yr groups can only arrive at their specified time.
- Children arriving at other times cannot enter the school grounds until it is their time.
- Families with children that have different drop off times must stay within their car or away from the school entrance until it is their allocated time to enter.
- Students go straight to their classroom.
- 2 metres between staff at all times.
- 2 metre between staff and students where possible.
- 2 metre between students at all times where possible.
- Parents must also maintain 2 metres between each other when collecting their child.
- Cloak bays – coats spaced out and students use the same hook each day.
- To ensure 2 metre distancing at all times lunch breaks will be staggered.
- Classroom furniture arranged to ensure 2 metre spacing.
- Same seat in the class bubble each day.
- If students currently have a mobile phone (yr6 only) they can bring this each day and must take it home each day. The device must be switched off and placed in a tray under their desk.
- Each class bubble is a maximum of 15 students plus teacher/LSA.
- Sanitiser available in the classroom and correct handwashing ensured, soap will be available plus paper towels in toilet areas.
- Students will follow online learning programme with additional activities provided by the supervising teacher.
- Use of group physical activity indoors is not permitted. Each bubble to be provided with a ball/basic equipment which stays with that group and is sanitised each day.
- Sanitiser available in classrooms, office area and staffroom.
- Disinfectant spray used regularly on surfaces and left for 30 seconds before wiped off. Spray bottles in classrooms and paper towels in toilets.
- Correct hygiene procedures with students revisited daily.
Break Times
- Children will eat in the hall only with their allocated bubble.
- No other bubble will be allowed into that hall area until the current bubble has left the hall.
- Tables/chairs sanitised.
- Cutlery to be placed on tables and children to be served at the tables.
- Ensure hand washing before and after eating.
- Children who are bringing in packed lunch (yr6 only) must keep this with them stored under their desk. It must be taken home each day and sanitised.
- No sharing food or drink.
- Playground areas zones off, bubbles given allocated space/time for their break.
- No sharing of sports balls or equipment.
- No contact games e.g. tag
- Staff will work with students about what are appropriate activities.
- Staff cannot mix with other bubbles and must supervise children in their own bubble.
General Safe Practices
- Students to have their own drink bottle - drinking fountains closed.
- One student will be allowed in the toilets at a time.
- Furniture disinfected each day.
- Any sick children will be sent home – tested and result shared with school.
- No staff will be at school if health compromised
- Students to be issued with stationery that is not to be used by any other person.
- School landline phones cleaned and limited use to specific people.
- Children can only bring water bottle, reading book, coat and lunch box to school. No bags or other equipment can be brought in or out of school.
- Reading books will be left in trays for 48 hrs before they can be touched or changed.