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Westbrook Primary School

Aim high, learn together, feel proud!

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 Kids Walk - BRAKE!

As part of the School Travel Plan, we have been holding a range of different events raising awareness of sustainable travel and road safety.  Year 6 have been invited to participate in an event called Kids Walk in association with the charity BRAKE. Children all across the country will be walking around their local area to raise awareness of road safety.  We will be leaving the school at about 9:00am and will walk around the local area encouraging car drivers to show consideration for pedestrians before returning to school by 12noon.  The Y6 teachers and teaching assistants will accompany the children on the walk


Join us for 'Walk to school week' on the 20th May 2019!

We will be hosting a range of fabulous activities for the whole school to take part in!

You can 'Bling your bike' (or scooter) and get a healthy breakfast. Meet our safer neighborhoods team and ask them questions.

Also we will have a special visitor in our assembly that week. Watch out for more information.

Metropolitan Police Visits – ‘See & Be Seen Project’ in collaboration with Volvo

As part of our aim to raise awareness of road safety, we were very keen to take part in a project with the Metropolitan Police, supported by Volvo called ‘See and Be Seen’. On Tuesday 25th Sep and Thursday 27th Sep traffic officers will spend time at our school delivering presentations about different vehicles and how to stay safe on the roads.  This is particularly important considering the amount of large vehicles which travel on roads in our local area.  The children will also have the opportunity to see and sit in a range of vehicles used by the police to raise awareness of what can be seen from lorries and buses when in use on the roads.  What an exciting event to come!
