


School Logo

Westbrook Primary School

Aim high, learn together, feel proud!

Get in touch

Home Learning

Home learning activities for all children during school closures or self-isolation


Having problems logging in? Click on

the 'Google Classroom' logo.


Are you a 'Rock Star'?

Login for 30 mins per day 

and improve your speed.

White Rose Maths are

providing catch up

lessons for all year groups.

Spellingframe includes all the words -

both statutory and the example words

from the National Curriculum for

Spelling for Year 1 to Year 6. 

BBC Bitesize are providing

catch up lessons for all

year groups.


Watch Newsround and discuss

the reports with someone

at home.


Sharpen your mental maths

skills on this selection of

learning games.


Find amazing facts about animals,

science, history and geography,

along with fun competitions, games

and more.


